Friday, November 11, 2011

New Name

I always hate the point in a registration process where you are asking to come up with a screen name/ user name/ blog name. Talk about pressure! Finding something clever but not too cutesy, accurate but not boring, all at the drop of a hat? Yikes! It's probably a good thing that babies come with such a long incubation period--plenty of time to work out the name thing (whenever we get to that point, which will probably be a few years down the road.)

Anyway, I chose the name of this blog-- "Shh, Quiet Times"-- in one of those pressure-filled moments but haven't really loved it. This blog isn't really about quiet times, although I am a fairly quiet person. SHH comes from my married initials, so I was trying to play on that, but not too successfully in my opinion. So, I did some brainstorming in the shower this morning and decided on something a little different---Sarah Hope at Home. It still has the SHH, but it's a little more accurate in terms of embodying what this blog is about--the things I do at home, like cooking, etc.

Fortunately I'm not far enough into this blogging journey to really have to worry about having a huge following, so for the few people who click on my Facebook links when I make new posts, I hope this isn't too confusing for you.


In other news--it's Veterans Day. I've been seeing lots of posts on Facebook, plus I get the day off. Both of my grandfathers were in the military--on my dad's side, my grandfather was a marine, and on my mom's side, my grandfather was in the Air Force. They are both gone now, but I do honor their memory and the sacrifices they and all the other members of the armed forces have made and are making for us each and every day.

I'm trying to decide what to do with my day off--it's always so tricky because you want it to be something awesome and meaningful because how often to you get a day to do whatever you want during the week? But in reality I am thinking of running boring errands like going to the grocery store and getting gas. Not exactly the big plans people usually make for 3 day weekends, but since my husband does have to work today, and is working at his part time job this evening and all day tomorrow, that kind of puts a crimp in my style.

Although it might be kind of sacrilegious--after all, Thanksgiving is still two weeks away--I might just go Christmas shopping. We need a new tree topper and some stockings and I know from experience that if I wait too long the options will be severely limited! I promise not to decorate before Thanksgiving, though. Hopefully that will keep me from being in too much trouble with whoever monitors these things.

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